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Our Social Dilemma Opportunity

The Social Dilemma documentary/drama on Netflix hits home and stops us in our tracks. The film is a must-see. It's no surprise we're painfully addicted to our phones for a multitude of real and very dangerous reasons but little did we know how much …

The Social Dilemma documentary/drama on Netflix hits home and stops us in our tracks. The film is a must-see. It's no surprise we're painfully addicted to our phones for a multitude of real and very dangerous reasons but little did we know how much serious money was being made at our expense.

The Social Dilemma

The New Documentary/drama On Netflix

One of the most important films of 2020, and that's putting it lightly.


I think it's safe to say we've all heard engaging in social media can be and is addicting for millions of children, young folks, and adults, but that's more than an understatement today.  I'm not exaggerating.  If you haven't seen The Social Dilemma yet, please do and tell all those you love to watch it also.

Dilemma's timing couldn't be more in line with an epidemic of mental wellness slowly being pushed harder and harder with everything shaking stability underfoot today. What's at stake here is a whole lot more than simple mindless entertainment - an entire business has been built under our noses making billions upon billions of dollars off of what we do online. Every move, purchase, search engine lookup, every second online is being tracked for big money. Our online actions are being traded as -  human futures.  I can't believe I just wrote that. The new commodity happens to be you and I and everyone else around the world, who owns a smartphone. According to, "Today, it is estimated that more than 5 billion people have mobile devices, and over half of these connections are smartphones."

Daunting right? Without a question, but therein lies a treasure trove of opportunity.  Knowledge is Power - Beacon

  • We can disengage if not greatly limit our usage to such an extent, the campaigns utilizing AI technology will not have an opportunity to track us as they have anymore. It takes a group effort, a collective action - globally. If we do, keeping we can break this chain of maleficence.

  • With all these newfound hours, we can get back outside, put in our 10k steps come rain, shine, or snow.

  • Be present in the here and now - soak in the color change fall brings us.

  • Take a break from our home office, call up a friend, and have a socially distanced cup of coffee, outside.

  • Re-engage in life and ask if every time we reach for our phone, "is it necessary, does this bring me joy, happiness?

  • As entrepreneurs, we post socially to make a living. We can do just that then walk away.

  • Create a social media consumption competition at work and at home (with rewards) to see who can reduce most. This way as a whole, we get a real understanding of how much everyone is consuming and encourage each taking responsibility and owning their part of the solution.

  • Start discussions around what ethics is and how it applies to our families and businesses we support by buying their products. If there is a disconnect, be bold and speak up. Holding folks accountable opens up communication lines.

  • Question of the day: If the banks are all deeply regulated, why aren't social media companies regulated as well by holding them to the same ethical standards that other industries need to follow?

  • Lastly, put an end to fake news. (putting my old reporter's hat on here). Check the source. Bonafide news is taken very seriously by dedicated, hard-working journalists, educated and trained to honor what they communicate and how they communicate to the masses. The power a journalist has on-air and off, has many checks and balances to make sure what they communicate given their best ability is correct. Put this power in the wrong hands, we've got problems as we see today. Any news source outside of this gold standard is not delivering the news. Period.

Thank you Medium's Brad Dibben  -- to learn more of what is mentioned in the film, check out Brad's list here:

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Love the Skin You’re In!

Health + Happiness + Habits = Living Well

 I confess I was not always happy with my relationship with my body. No big surprise since I’ve dedicated decades to the celebration of a woman’s body. (You teach what you need to learn). Thankfully, time does heal but I have discovered that by changing just a few basic habits, my whole outlook and self-image slowly transformed and will never go back.

The top habit I’m practicing makes a priority of eating loads of organic healthy veggies, meats, eggs and plenty of fresh filtered water, supplying my diet with more of that than highly processed and sugary foods. I have the cookie or two for God’s sake but leave the box for the next visit! That goes for ice cream. Have it and enjoy but avoid making it your main meal. Treat these fringe foods as guests that come to visit now and then. Before you know it, you will shame-less-ly indulge and not overdo it. Moderation always is the key, leaning hardest on the freshest food you can find, makes an incredibly happy bod. Add to this what your body needs as far as dietary supplements and you’re off to your best health, ever.

Sleep glorious Sleep takes either our #1 or #2 spot! Most of us are balancing multiple roles in our busy lifestyles, so it’s not always easy to make time for ourselves, more over get enough sleep.  Nevertheless, it is paramount that we do.  That means making time for a quickie (nap) when we need it and include activities we love.  Getting enough sleep each night is without a question, our best medicine!

Our third habit - physical activity.  No, I don’t always work out at the gym, but I do walk, swim, SNOWSHOE, or create an adventure — whatever it is , I make a conscious effort to engage in as many (outdoor) activities I possibly can.  I actually bring a bathing suit on business trips in case the hotel has a pool. A great place to stretch, do a little barre with the water up to your neck while holding on to the side then, fingers crossed for a well maintained hot tub! That’s something to celebrate. The key here is to plan ahead for your business/personal/ trips and do something you actively enjoy. Start dancing in a class or out on Friday night! Whatever you choose is going to be different for everybody.  My goal is not to achieve the perfect body, but to enjoy the activity I do and feel the joy and vitality taking place in my body. Big difference.

Habit #4:  Laughter!  For some people, it’s music or movies, but for me, it’s doing things with people who make me laugh.  I would encourage everyone to find those special activities and people who lift your spirits and free your soul and pepper them regularly throughout your life.

Last but certainly not least: meditation. Try it. Life-changing. ‘Nuf said. (Insight Timer app is free - Voted Happiest App in the world- and a good starter for beginners or for old hacks keeping it simple).

Loving the skin you’re in comes from nourishing yourself: mind, body, and soul! Now in my 50’s, I’m learning one of life’s biggest lessons to let go of other’s opinions and accept myself as I am, right here and now. Don’t waste your time to be otherwise, no one cares. They really don’t.

Be True. Be you.






Mindful Eating


Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

Have you watched the movie FED UP created by Stephanie Soechtig and executive producers Katie Couric and Laurie David? Well, I did last week and boy did it blow me away and change how I was eating!

I, along with my brother (who asked to me to watch the movie again with him) are on this high nutrition, low sugar awareness lifestyle reboot. Texting and sharing our recipe finds and new found energy levels.  It's pretty cool.  Our sister, mother of three and business owner has followed wholesome food preparation for mostly all her family's meals for over two decades and I think for the first time my brother and I really understand why!  Our health is in our grasp.

Did you know that (1) one can of COKE has approximately 39g of sugar? According to the FDA: women should not exceed 6 tsp (25 grams), Men 9 tsp (38 grams) and children 3-6 tsp (12-25 grams) per day.  (print this paragraph out and put into your kitchen)

When I got home, I went through my pantry, reading every label I could find and before I knew it, I had two garbage bags filled with foods with 5 + grams of sugar.  Did I feel guilty? Yes, but not for long. Out it went!  I am still blown away by what's been right under my nose all these years in all it's 61 different names on labelsand I thought I was a healthy eater?  

I had cancer and should have remained mindful. It can be laborious for sure.  Not always are we in the mood to cook, read labels, choose unsweetened products and foods higher in fiber. It's so easy to slip back eating on the run, grabbing what's quickest.

But the cool part of this is, I can make changes now and make better choices rolling forward, like my lie depended upon it (which it does)!  Shopping for my food the day/week ahead and making enough for two meals. (what I make for dinner will feed me lunch the next day and vice a versa.) Gone are brain fog, after lunch exhaustion, most cravings, and am excited to experience more (I'm 4 days in) while I continue with this adjustment.  Katie's cooking show, Full Plate with her husband John is fun and easy to follow for some ideas.


Delicious plain Greek yogurt and fresh blueberries!

Delicious plain Greek yogurt and fresh blueberries!

I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Sign up for a newsletter where you'll find recipes for the most popular meals I post on Instagram and FB.

To more mindful living!

*If you'd like to learn more about hidden sugars in foods, please click here.

