The KDeer #EmmeStripe has arrived!!! Thrilled to announce the #EmmeStripe will support body image and self esteem programs over at NEDA (link:

How did this all come together? Well, when Kristine Deer and I met (Syracuse Alumnus BTW) this summer,(My yoga instructor Peace Denise and a few other women in my life had mentioned Kristine and the tenants of her apparel business to me, saying to connect with her over the years but somehow it just didnt happen until one day when I dropped in at her Englewood NJ offices. Happily, she was in and immediately, there was a connection, a commonality about doing business our own way as business owners with a passion for positive body image messaging in everything we did. Definitely meeting Kristine felt like a heart saw a heart. After a few visits later, Kristine shared her vision of creating a body image legging with possibly my name attached, was I interested? Exercise, movement, yoga, happy leggings, body image and proceeds going to NEDA? You bet I was! The best part of doing this collaboration with KDeer, I not only wear the #EmmeStripe and feel happy, all her leggings make you feel the same way. Check them out! I hope they have the same affect on you and your friends as they do on me and my family!

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