Over the past several decades, the beauty ideal as portrayed in the media has increasingly become thinner, while the prevalence of obesity has increased.  At the same time, both the cosmetic surgery and dieting industries have become multi-billion dollar entities and the stigma against obesity has increased.  Research indicates that promoting dieting, fostering negative attitudes towards fat, and pervasive media images of unattainable and unrealistic beauty ideals (most images in the media are air-brushed) are perpetuating body dissatisfaction and eating disorders in men and women.   The current response to body dissatisfaction is to encourage dieting and body manipulation.  This tactic, however, has shown to fail at least 97% of the time.  While diets have shown to be ineffective, the person on the diet somehow ends up blaming themselves instead of the flawed system.  

NOW is the time to take back our bodies from a “consumer based culture” and embrace the glorious, unique and powerful vessels that contain our life essence while we experience the journey we are here live. To honor, to bless, to adorn and to bring into the fold of friendship, for everything our bodies do for us each and every day. From feeling a child’s hug, a kiss from a friend, tasting fine food from around the world, giving birth, smelling flowers, being able to travel and so much more. Without this glorious body we would not be having a human experience. Never thought about our bodies this way, right?

So flip the script and count the many ways we can appreciate and offer gratitude for what our bodies do for us automatically and make a commitment to experience more joy, happiness and contentment, here on forward!

I hope you enjoy the conversation!

For books and guides on eating disorders and body image related issues

Michael Cortese
Gürze/Salucore Eating Disorders Resource Catalogue
NEDA Junior Board Member / www.myneda.org
